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Hello! I just want to motivate you! Your Work your doing is just wonderful I love everything. Im also using this, its just amazing. Im using a lot of you work but I never wrote a comment. Btw I dont have a website or smth cause im poor lol. Im just using some of you great Pixel character on in my javascript folder on my client. If im going to buy a server. Im 100% going to give you smth, because if I have enough money for a server, I also have money left for somebody, whose work im appreciating. Dont give up man. There rough times but your going to survive them. There are always some people who arent writing comments and appreciating you work too. I hope your going to have a nice Day! 👍

Thank you times are being rough and is hard to stay motivated for stuff now, i went through depression and suicide before and i'm trying not to do it again.

I'm very grateful that you enjoy my sprites, and my general work, if you ever finish whatever project is using them please do share it, would love to see it.

Hello! I and my group developed a game for an OOP class using your mage!
It's a simples top-down shooter, called Princess Rampage.
I also would like to point out that maybe (just maybe) I edited her sprite in order to create a bald witch, so I hope you'll forgive me for that XD   

Ah it's fine i don't mind it too much, in fact it sounds funny, especially since that is the first comment i get about someone using her for something lol.

I do plan on making more sprites in the future on this style, some paid and others not, just that i been going through some rough times and all.